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How does work and make a positive impact ?

➤ is an independent cooperative financed by its members, meaning that it is owned and co-governed by those who directly depend on it, its workers.

Co-governance and participative model is applied not only to the platform itself, but also in the local communities where the is active, gathering all those parties and individuals that share the principal values : cooperation, connection, empowerment, and fairness and are directly or indirectly involved in sustainable tourism development.

➤ To enable co-governance and participation at local levels, gathers and creates the local communities of local node ambassadors, activists, hosts, local authorities, connectors, volunteers, and others, who jointly re-think the existing practices, share their knowledge, decide upon the needs of the local communities, create local rules for hosts and choose the projects that will be funded through the re-investment of the platform fees.

➤ Re-distribution of the platform fees means that gives 50% of its fee paid by tourists back to the destinations where tourists travel by contributing to the implementation of the community project by choice. The host earns the same, the guest pays the same, but the benefits are for the whole local community!

➤ To organise the local communities and develop the sustainable rental business in tourism destinations, relies on reference persons in each territory it operates - so called Local Node Ambassadors (LN Ambassadors) . The term Local Node refers to the territory and a community with in it, and in charge of the LN Ambassador.

➤ rules for the hosts for each local node must include:

Lawfulness - ‌All hosts should be in compliance with the local regulations
Allowed rental capacity of the single host - This depends on the local node's carrying capacity and is determined by the LN Ambassador and the members of the local community. It could vary from "1 host - 1 home policy" , our suggested rule of sustainability for endangered communities, to the number that is higher if that's significant for fighting depopulation in some areas

We believe in data transparency, so ‌we use technology and specific policies to improve transparency at all levels.

Updated on: 31/05/2023

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