Articles on: Hosting

How to sync your calendar?

On this page

Sync / Import calendars
Exporting your listing calendar
Host view of calendars
How to sync with other platforms
Special Case, sync between various listings

We can not offer you the channel manager at the moment, but there is a calendar synchronization option that works just fine and help you to avoid double bookings.

Please follow the instructions that are explained below.

Calendar Sync - How it works
A step by step guideline to get everything at a glance:

1) Sync / Import calendars

from an external source into the calendar of your listing

Edit your calendar by signing in to your account.
Go to your dashboard by clicking on your name --> then select "Listings".
To start the synchronisation, press the edit button from the listing you want to sync.
Click on the "Calendar" menu (left menu)
Select "Synchronization"

In the upper part you can add a calendar and a description to manage your listings.
If you use several calendars, you can add as many as you need by clicking on the add URL button. Always press the save button to store and sync the calendars.

Once you have added your external calendars to your dashboard, the platform will synchronise your calendars every 30 minutes.
Be aware that this 'save' button can also be used to re-sync on-demand all your calendars.

To demonstrate the synchronisation process better, we have prepared synchronisation examples using common calendars.

The synchronisation process has already been tested with Google, Airbnb and other external calendars.
If you experience any problems with the synchronisation process, please don't hesitate to contact the help desk or your local Ambassador.

Please note:
the calendar button needs to be in vCalendar / iCal format.
Eg: If you want to sync with a google calendar, please make sure you select the iCal format and not the google propriety format. As the main goal is to sync the calendar on regular basis, it needs to be a URL and not a file name.

Example: Sync with Google Calendar

Go to Google calendar to My Calendars

Navigate to one of the calendars and press the 3° vertical dots:

Once clicked you see a menu as displayed below. Click on "settings and sharing"

Select "Integrate Calendar" to see the options in the picture below.

Do NOT use the first 2 options, as this is Google proprietary and not compatible with external agendas. Instead, use the public or the secret address.

An Advantage of the secret address is that you can remove access at any time by resetting the address (pressing the rest button). Hence option Nr. 1 is our first choice.
However you can as well use the public address. In this case you need to make your agenda public higher up on the page:

Next: copy one of those 2 addresses
Go to your listing in (sign in, click on your name, click listing, click edit)
Click on "Calendar" on the left menu
Click on "Synchronization"
Give a description to your calendar (tip: give the same name as in Google)
Paste the URL in the URL field.
Don't forget: Press "save changes".

From now on this Google calendar will be synced every 30 min to your Fairbnb Calendar.

2) Exporting your listing calendar

Scroll further down in the synchronization menu until you reach the part displayed below:

As the instructions indicate you can use this URL in 2 ways:

Click on it and you can download an ICS file with the already booked dates of your listing.
We suggest you copy and use the URL to sync in other environments (eg Google calendar or other platforms): even if the calendar is still empty, it will be synchronized on other platforms recursively.

Note: this process is always exporting future calendar entries, never past ones.

3) Host view of calendars

Hosts can easily check their different calendars from their listing view.

Go to your calendar by signing in to your account.
Go to your dashboard by clicking on your name --> then select "Listings".
Press the "Edit" button from the listing you want to sync.
Click on the "Calendar" menu (left menu)
Click on "Calendar"

Select the "Complete view" to see all calendars combined
Select "Fairbnb Booking only" to see all your bookings for the selected listing
Select "Fairbnb manual set to unavailable" to see only those dates which you have set manually as unavailable
Select "Faribnb only view" to see bookings + manually dates set to unavailable
Select "Calender views" of the imported calendars to see the unavailabilities in this specific calendar.

Please notice:
In the "Host view" you will see the prices which you will receive from the Guest (Eg. € 100).
However, because of transparency ideal, we show the price including the commission in the Guest view of the calendar (Eg. € 100 + 15% fee= € 115).

Example: Export your Listing's calendar and sync it in your google calendar

Go to your "Listing" on (sign in, click on your name, click listing, click edit)
Click on "Calendar" on the left menu
Click on "Synchronization"
Right-Click on the export link and select "Copy link address"

Go to Google Calendar and press the** '+' sign next to "Other calendars"**

Select "From URL"

Paste the URL into the URL field and press "Add calendar".

4) How to sync with other platforms

For Airbnb, use following instructions:

For use following instructions:

5) Special Case, sync between various listings

Some Hosts have 1 holiday apartment with 2 rooms. In this case, Hosts might be interested to

rent both of them together for a somehow cheaper price or

rent them separately.

For this case we ask Hosts to create 3 listings on our platform:

Create a listing for Room 1

Create a listing for Room 2

Create a listing for the whole Apartment including Room 1 and Room 2.

This allows Host to avoid double bookings, by cross linking the calendars in our system:

Sync Room 1 and Room 2 with the whole Apartment calendar

Sync the whole Apartment listing with both: Room 1 and Room 2.

By doing so, both rooms will be blocked once the apartment is booked.

Opposite, once one of the rooms is booked, the apartment will not be available anymore.

Updated on: 13/06/2023

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